Loose Ends
This is a photo of my latest baby blanket project for our church knitting group - now officially renamed the St. Thomas Fiber Ministry. We gave it a new name so that all who liked to work with fiber, in any way shape or form, would feel welcome. We are off to a great start this year and will be having a whole box full of knitted items blessed at a church service soon - then donated to our local Project Linus for distribution in the community.
A funny story goes with this project. I started it about a month and a half ago, but laid it down when we went to North Carolina (see my last post). I didn't try to pick it up again until last night. Do you think I could find my project bag that had this blanket in it? No way! I went through every closet, every bag - but it was no where to be found. After a long hard swim with my Masters group this morning, and brunch with my boys I decided to take apart my bedroom closet and my yarn stash. It had to be in there somewhere. I justified this frantic cleaning with the words, "I have to change out my summer clothes with my winter clothes and get this closet cleaned." Well - every inch of the closet was cleared out and NO KNITTING PROJECT BAG TO BE FOUND. @$#*@! So - I made up an excuse to clean out the downstairs hall closet and viola! There was the bag - at the bottom of a heap of pillows, throws, cat toys and stuff. I blame the cats - they are always in and out of the closet, right!? Anyways - project found and two clean closets to boot.
Random thoughts:
- As I was sitting in Jines (one of our favorite breakfast hangouts) consuming plates of food and enjoying the Park Ave crowd on a glorious sunny Sunday morning in fall, I wondered how the leader of North Korea could really think starving his people was a good thing and that what we were enjoying here in the U.S. was such a bad thing. Amazing how disconnected two cultures can be.
- History tells us that totalitarian regimes like the one in North Korea will eventually crumble. I believe this will eventually occur. Maybe then the people of DPRK will be able to enjoy the freedoms and just plain good times that we take so much for granted here in our country.
- Isn't fall one of the best seasons of the year? The colors are incredible. I have a firey red bush in my back yard that makes the most unique red leaves. I can't find this color at the yarn shop. I hope I never do. That would spoil it.
- I'm a better swimmer when I only swim for fun and fitness (not competition) and for the social interactions with my team.
- Our business hit a major milestone this week....$25 million in assets under management. When we started 13 years ago we had $0. In celebration Doug's getting a new driver to add to his golf bag and I'm buying a yarn swift.
- The best part of our business is not $25 million in assest under management, but the amazingly wonderful people we have come to know as our clients. I was totally unprepared for this bonus - a bonus we enjoy every single year.
- Two college applications out the door - 5 more to go!
- The WFU Demon Deacons are awesome - winning another game (now 5-1) - beating Duke and State in the same year. The only way this gets better is if they beat Carolina. Go Deacs!
I really like those socks you knitted for your SISTER.... didn't you mean to say sister(S)?? I love them and am waiting for my pair to come in the mail. My birthday is Nov. 3. hee hee
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